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From the Pastor’s Pen

The Pastor’s Pen – Finding Joy in Your Journey

The shocking news of the attempted assassination should cause us to stop and consider a few things.

1. Prayer – 

     -Pray for those injured and killed as well as for the members of their families. 

2. Thanksgiving – 

     -Thank the LORD that Donald Trump was not hurt worse than he was. (Like him or not, death is eternal. We will all spend eternity somewhere).

3. Praise – 

     -Praise God more were not injured or killed… (And a big Ooorah! to the Secret Service for a job well done!).

4. Finally, Consider – 

     -Consider that life is more than sports, politics, and entertainment.  Cult of personality, a divisive political climate, and a sin-sick world stirred up in chaos has brought someone to an irreversible error. 

     We will all stand before God someday. Be wise in your decision, cautious about who you side with, and decisive about who you worship. 

     There is only one God. He sent His Son to die in your place. Have you repented of your sin, believed in God’s Son, and called upon Him to save you? 




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